Ever wonder what to make with precut fabrics?? Take this class and make this beautiful quilt using your choise of a jelly roll, layer cake or fat quarter bundle.
Pre-requisites: Must have had some experience with quilting.
Class dates: Saturdays -March 1st, 8th, 22nd, 29th
Saturday - April 12th
Class time: 10:00am - 1:30pm
Class Materials List
- Trellis pattern(included in price)
- Fabric per pattern :
- Twin size batting
- Thread to match fabric
- Sewing machine with extra needles(size 90/14) and bobbins
- Rotary cutter, cutting mat and 6 1/2" x 24" ruler
- Notions-scissors, straight pins, seam ripper
Any fabrics for the class that are purchased at Bee Quilty will receive a 10% discount.
A confirmation letter will be sent with details after registration.
Pre-Cut Quilt Class - Trellis